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All Saints C of E Primary School


Often, people ask the question, 'What is distinctive about a church school education?' It is a harder question to answer than one might think. Several of the qualities one might attribute to a church school would also be found, hopefully, in a non-church school: ethical guidance, pastoral care, a strong sense of belonging to a community, the belief that every child matters, even collective worship and Bible stories…

But what is distinctive about a church school?

There is something powerful about exploring and belonging to something bigger than ourselves, that shapes our school and lives. Our belief in God shapes our response to Him. It informs our school values and the way we interact with each other – how we manage, teach, learn and live in relationship with each other, Fulham and the wider world. This belief gives us gratitude and responsibility to respond.

So what specifically is that response?

Our school motto (‘life to the full’) is taken from scripture (John 10:10). It speaks of our believe that God offers us life in all it’s fullness and that God wants us to share that with one another. From this starting point we aim to create a safe and friendly place in which all can flourish and succeed. Our Christian values shape the decisions we make and the day to day life of the school. The gift of creation, gives us gratitude and the responsibility to steward what God gives us to look after and develop. Our value of community, is inspired from the Ancient Greek word ‘koinonia’, which speaks of a very special fellowship the early Church created with one another, as described in the book of Acts, as they were shaped by their faith. Our third value is compassion, because we believe we are called to look outwards with God’s compassion. From the gratitude of what we have been given, we believe God wants us to foster and maintain community here at school and then look out, beyond the school gates. To inspire our students to speak out and be a positive force in the world, in the very specific ways they are each called to. We, as a school community and as individuals, take part in God’s economy of gift with the fullness of life. This has a decisive effect on, for example, our behaviour policy, our inclusion policy and on the whole atmosphere of the school. It is expected that all members of staff and governors should be committed to the way in which these Christian values are lived and taught at All Saints School and hopefully also in their own lives.

So what is explicitly Christian about All Saints School?

Each school day contains an act of collective worship which is explicitly Christian in content. Assembly themes follow the teachings of Jesus, the times and seasons of the year, stories about heroes of the faith and major themes of the faith.  Each assembly includes prayers and the Lord's Prayer is said by the whole school.

In each classroom there is a table for reflection. On it is a symbol of the Christian faith and a candle, presented to each class every year at a special church service to celebrate Candlemas. Every week, each class has 'circle time' a time of reflection when, gathered around the candle, the class reflects together on the week that is past 

At least twice every term, the whole school comes to All Saints church for a school Eucharist to celebrate a major festivals of the church: Advent, Christmas, Candlemas, Easter, Pentecost and All Saints. In addition, the Leavers' Service at the end of the Summer term is held in church.

Frequently, one of the clergy will either visit the school to lead a class, or a class will visit church to explore themes, symbols, stories or seasons of the church's year.

One of the vicars at All Saints is ex officio a member of the Governing Body and in that role also supports the head teacher and Chair of Governors in their roles. 

How does the Christian ethos affect admissions to the school?

In the admission criteria for All Saints School, 50% of places are Foundation Places which mean that children attending either All Saints or St Etheldreda's will be given priority for 50% of the places in Reception Class. Parents seeking a Foundation place for their children have to demonstrate that they are committed, practising members of All Saints Church and St Etheldreda Church. For a more detailed understanding of the admissions requirements, please see the Admissions page

Read the latest Church news on their website