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All Saints C of E Primary School

Health Information

If your child is ill and is unable to attend school please call the school by 9.30am.

School Nurse

The school nurse is available to offer advice or support to parents and teachers regarding any health concerns you have about your child’s health. This may be hearing, vision, height and weight concerns or dietary advice for example.

You may have previously filled in a health questionnaire, this provides us with a brief summary of your child’s health or any concerns you may have. If you have not completed this, or your child’s health has changed in the interim period, it would be really helpful if you could complete a questionnaire, which are available from the school office.

If you would like to contact the school nurse or have any enquiry or concerns regarding your child’s health please make an appointment with the school office.  The school nurse is based at All Saints one morning a week.

Administering of medicines

If you require us to administer medicine for your child whilst at school you must complete the following form: Administration of Medicine