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All Saints C of E Primary School

Awards and Achievements

At All Saints individual achievements are recognised every week at our Friday Merit Assembly.  Each teacher awards up to four Merit Certificates each week to individual pupils; these can be for academic or sporting achievement, progress or for personal qualities such as kindness or being a good friend.  In addition to this we award a weekly Class Cup and a Travel Cup for the class with the highest percentage of children who walk, cycle or scooter to school on a Wednesday.  We also announce the class with the best attendance each week.

When our pupils leave at the end of Year 6 we hold a special Leavers Service in the church.  A part of this involves awarding cups and special commendations for a range of achievements and is a really positive way to ‘finish off’ their journey through the school.

We also encourage parents to let us know of any special achievements outside school so that we can celebrate this in our assemblies or in the weekly newsletter.