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All Saints C of E Primary School

The School Maintenance Fund

As All Saints is a Voluntary Aided school, parents are asked to make an annual voluntary contribution to support the maintenance of the school.  This fund is held by the Governors in an account called The School Maintenance Fund. 

This fund is entirely separate from the main school budget allocated by the Local Authority (LA) to the school under a formula based on the number of pupils in the school.  We receive about £4500 per year per pupil from the LA which helps to cover the running costs of the school.  However, due to the relatively wealthy demographics of some of our families we are one of the lowest funded schools in the borough and this is why your contribution to the School Maintenance Fund is vital to the school.

Why do we have the School Maintenance Fund?

  • Unlike Local Authority state schools, voluntary aided schools are required to contribute 10% towards the cost of any refurbishment or building works.  To cover this our, our Governors via the School Maintenance Fund pay a fixed annual sum per pupil out of this Fund, rather like an insurance premium, into a scheme run by the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) in which funds accumulate for capital expenditure, maintenance and minor improvements. 

  • Under the scheme the LDBS also undertakes many supportive tasks such as meeting the cost of consultants and administering building contracts. Any planned large capital expenditure is bid for and the success of the bid will be determined by the urgency of the need and the demands of other schools also bidding for that money. 

  • The School Maintenance Fund also pays for buildings insurance and for core services from the LDBS such as Governor training.

Once the above commitments are covered (about £13k pa), the fund is then able to be used to improve the learning environment for your children.

Whilst the fund is voluntary the governors cannot stress its importance strongly enough and we thank you for your continued generosity and investment in the school.

How to contribute to the Maintenance Fund

We have received generous donations in the past to help us and hope you will be able to give what you can.  Although we suggest payments of £70 per child per year, we must stress we ask you to only pay what you can afford, and if you can pay more, extra donations are greatly appreciated. 

In an effort to suit all parents’ requirements, we have a number of ways of paying: 

  • Existing Parents will be able to pay via School Gateway:  You can choose to pay the balance in full or in instalments.    You can also make extra donations if you wish.
  • Standing Order: You can pay £70 by standing order, at the beginning of each school year (September) 
  • Cheque: You can pay an annual instalment by writing a cheque for £70 (please make this payable to ‘All Saints CE Primary School’ and print the name of your child on the back of the cheque).  Please hand this to the school office.
  • Alternatively, you can pay by cash in a marked envelope, ‘Maintenance Fund” please print the name of your child and hand this to the school office.
Bank Metro Bank
Account All Saints CofE Primary School
Account Number 16116408
Sort Code 23-05-80

 Please also download, complete and hand into the school office the following form which will enable us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, which means that if you are a taxpayer, the school can claim an additional 25% (or £20 on £100 donation) back from the government.  Click on Gift Aid Form.

All contributions are voluntary and totally confidential.  The Governors, Staff and Children are very grateful to you for your support.

Thank you for supporting our school!